Friday, May 13, 2011

Highway to Heaven

Before I start, I don't have anything specific to say. I am going to just ramble and see where this goes. Lucky you.

Here is Kath's mother's day card.  


On the inside it said, "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY. FROM ME AND MY SISTER." 

Kath loved.  Speaking of Kath.  She doesn't email me as much.  I think she has gotten over the novelty of it. This old email made me laugh.

>okay, no one won powerball, 184 M-now why did the size of this font get smaller-i did nothing. guess what i am watching on tv-give up-highway to heaven-lent is coming up- wonder if i am going to give up dramas - thinking about diet soda.<

Every time I call, she is watching that damn program.  Kath is always quick to say, "Must you call me when I am watching the last five minutes of my show?"  I hope she's not waiting for new episodes.  It ended in 1989.  Here's a brief Highway to Heaven synopsis courtesy of Wikipedia.

"The series stars Michael Landon as Jonathan Smith, an angel sent down to earth "on probation", and his human companion Mark Gordon, played by Victor French. Jonathan and Mark are given "assignments" by "The Boss" (God) where they are required to use their humanity (and sometimes a little bit of "The Stuff") in order to help various troubled souls to overcome their problems."  

It sounds worse than Murder, She Wrote.  Kath and CF are co-founders of the Angela Lansbury fan club. They're obsessed with that show.  In 2011.  Sista and I used to stay home alone in the summer and watch trashy talk shows.  She was 12, I was eight.  The Jerry Springer Show, MauryThe Sally Jesse Raphael Show (personal fave).  I didn't like Jerry so much, but whoever made it to the clicker first ruled the TV for the day.  I was out of luck if I spent two hours arranging the stuffed animals on my bed. (I had 186. Barbie dolls included.  And they were placed in the same spot daily.) We hated when Kath stayed home sick and were forced to endure her shows.  In the Heat of the Night, Perry Mason, and of course, Murder, She Wrote.  We didn't mind when at 3:00 Guiding Light came on.  Kath made sure to get us hooked on that show as infants.  It was the crystal meth of soap operas.  We both finally stopped watching in our late teens.

Speaking of stuffed animals. Kath recently asked if I wanted any of my old ones.  I am sure the bf would love, love, love if I had 200 stuffed animals on my bed. He often tells me how much he loves my decorative throw pillows.

I told Kath, "No. I have Herbie!" Herbie was the only stuffed animal that I slept with. Grace and Herbie gave him to me when I was five. What a creative name. He is a white teddy bear and required frequent washings. Every time Bill Lang put him through the spin cycle I told myself, "It's just a bath." Poor guy is buried in the back of my closet right now. He could use a bath. I'll let my dad know.

In other news. I have a date with CF tomorrow night. When she was sick she told me she needed a throat transplant. I called her dramatic, but I would have said the same. I couldn't hear music playing in my left ear this morning and assumed I lost all hearing in that ear. I need new headphones. Last week, I couldn't find my phone. I was convinced I had put it in the washing machine along with my laundry. In my head, I was already planning on when I would go to Verizon for a new one. Good thing I checked my purse. Back to date night. Today I told CF that I was excited for her to see my eyebrow (or, lack thereof) and she asked if I was looking for attention. I learn from the best.

That's all I've got bitches. My DVR awaits and I have a lot of Real Housewives to catch up on. And, I have to call Kath. Until next time

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