Friday, May 27, 2011

"Alopecia areata!"

I wonder what this post will be about.

Kath emailed me last week after reading one of my blog posts.  Subject was, "sunday-jus​t wondering about the missing half of your eyebrow".  It's good that she puts the day of the week in the subject line.

>Anyways, just reading your blog-yes, I laughed.  Loved the doll w/bangs-does resemble you a little.--maybe, more than a little.<

Isn't it wonderful that my Mother agreed that I looked like a creepy male doll?  Though, I guess it's better than what the bf compared me to this past weekend.  We were enjoying drinks in the sun and blotches started to form on my neck.  I asked, "Did I get blotchy on our first date?"  He said, "You think?  You looked like the Terminator." 

I don't know who is luckier.  Me, with such a fresh bf or, him with a blotchy, browless gf.

Now, I will move on to what everyone really wants to know. Yesterday was the BIG day.  My dermatologist appointment.  Dr. Burns entered the room and asked what I was there for.  I contemplated saying, "Guess!" to see if he could figure it out.  Instead, I pointed to my balding brow.  He rubbed his chin and stared at me. He then went through a series of questions:

"I see that you fell last year."

"Yes!" I said. "But that was St. Patrick's Day 2010."

"I see. Are you losing hair anywhere else?"


"Scalp, underarm, leg, all normal?"


I didn't tell him that I am a hairless wonder.  He would worry.

He asked if I had thyroid issues.  I told him I didn't, but peeps in my family have.  I also told him that my aunt lost her eyebrow once.  He asked if it grew back.  "I think so?" I replied.  He then used some microscopic tool with a light and dictated his findings to the nurse.  So scientific. "No hair outer part of eyebrow.  Hold on. I shouldn't say no hair.  There are a few.  Type sparse!"  He told me to pull my ponytail out and went through my scalp with his hands.  "You've got a lot of hair!" he said.  "On my head anyway." I replied.

When he was done looking, he told me he had a pretty firm diagnosis, but still wanted to test my thyroid.  "Alopecia areata!"  Dr. B. exclaimed.  I don't know why he was so excited.  After he said the words, I couldn't help but smirk.  I could tell he wanted to know why I had a smile on my face.  I said, "My boyfriend actually diagnosed me a month ago.  I'm not very happy that he's right."  The bf sent me a text last month telling me to look it up.  After I did, I told him I was going to be sick.  Don't Google image "alopecia areata".  You'll worry about a bitch.  Anyway.  Dr. B. said my eyebrow should grow back and to put cortisone cream on it.  Then he looked at me and said, "Questions."  I looked at him and waited for another interrogation.  He looked back.  It was then that I realized he said, "Questions?"  I didn't have any at the time.  Now I have a million.  My internet research after the fact made me tear up so I stopped looking and am just going to hope for the best.

Enough about that. 

As some of you may know, this is my fave time of the year.  The Lang Family Reunion.  The bf and I are headed to my sista's today to help prepare for the weekend.  CF is coming today as well.  She called me last night and asked what I was doing. "Watching Ghosts of Girlfriend's Past". I said. "Oh." she replied. CF was judging me.  I hope she enjoyed her Angela Lansbury fix last night. 

That's all for now.  Enjoy the long weekend bitches.  Maybe I will have an eyebrow by Tuesday.

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