Monday, December 21, 2009

Humpty Dumpty.

Like I mentioned in the previous post, it is not so easy to get in touch with Gram nowadays.  However, I received a surprise phone call Saturday afternoon.  Gram called from my aunt's cell phone.  "MEREDITH!  IS IT YOU?"  I told her it was, indeed, me.  "I TRIED CALLING YOU LAST NIGHT, BUT THE NURSE SAID I WAS SHORT A NUMBER." she screamed.  I was floored.  I just like that I have told her this many times and she always shrugged me off.  Then, she meets Nurse Beth, or whomever, and their word is gold.  Thanks, Phyllis.

Gram informed me she was doing ok, but would rather be home. Gram told me it was very expensive to be talking to me and that she had to keep the call short.  "BYE NOW HONEY BUNCH!  LOVE YA!"  She doesn't get the concept that cell phones usually have plans that include weekend minutes. 

I tried reaching Gram last night.  No luck.  I was able to leave a message for her tonight though. An hour later I received a phone call and it was Nurse Peggy.  Gram had Nurse Peggy let me know that she had received my message and she wanted to know when a good time to call me tomorrow would be.  Peggy went on to say, "She also wanted me to tell you things are 'humpty dumpty'."  We weren't sure of the meaning, but it sounded like something Phyllis would say.  Peggy told me that all the nurses think Gram is a "real sweetheart." That's what people think of me when they first me.  Until you get to know me and find that I am quite a jackass.  Not that Gram is a jackass, there's just more than meets the eye.  I say that with great admiration.

Due to our short conversation, I don't have much to blog about.  Lately, I have been wondering what other topics I could talk about on Phyllis. I didn't come up with much:

Cooking-I can tell you how not to.
Fashion-When I went to visit my friend Meg recently, her boyfriend informed me I looked homeless. (He was right.  Thanks, Joe.)
Traveling-I went to Los Angeles once.
Sports-I have sports asthma. Plus, I only like baseball.
Celebrities-I am only one in my mind.
Dating-you actually have to.

I guess my worry is people will not care if it's not about Gram.  I can't say I blame them. I don't know Bichard's grandmother so I can't start calling her.  I totally would, but she would have me put in jail.  Just an update, Bichard recently slept over his grandmother's house (to ward off the young men robbing her) and she made him a breakfast of mashed hard boiled eggs, salt and butter.  Oh, and uncooked bacon (initially, then it was burnt to a crisp.)  This was her most recent purchase:

I bet Gram would like one. 

I will continue my blogging brainstorm, but in the meantime, I hope to hear from Gram tomorrow and update everyone of her status. And maybe figure out what "humpty dumpty" means.  Until then.

1 comment:

  1. What is that?!?! And you could always blog about your awesome nieces and nephews! You do have five total, ya know. Kids are always great. Or your wonderful sister who lets yu use two towels with each shower, or let's you do all of your laundry(Joe-homeless? Have you seen her laundry pile??). ;) Oh the possibilities are endless. However-change your name to a male name-and you could be a huge hit, vs being a female. There's a story about it. Chatrand something or other. Google it and see what you come up with...
