Gram asked where I was. I was in the middle of screaming that I was at my apartment when she asked me another question. I was still screaming into the mouthpiece when she repeated herself. She enunciated every word as though I were the one with the hearing problem. "WHAT. IS. YOUR. MOTHER. UP. TO?" I told her I didn't know since she didn't call me back. (Thanks, Kath.) I asked Gram what she had for supper. I say supper, because Gram considers lunch as dinner. She had a grinder. "MARY BOUGHT ME A GRINDER." Last weekend when I was out with Gram, I asked her what she had for supper the night before. She said, "some ice cream bars. You know, Klondike." I acted as though that were something I would never do and said that probably wasn't too healthy. She then asked me what I had. "Wine," I replied. A smug look formed on her face after my response. We don't judge each other.
I was in the middle of screaming another question when Gram said, "KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! LOVE YA, DEAR!"
I told her I loved her too, but not before she hung up to watch more baseball.
Here's a video of Phyllis about a year ago with my nephew, Nicholas. Classic Gram.
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