Friday, January 14, 2011

Not a Scorpio

I should have known that I would be called out for my lack of posts in the New Year.  I've been a busy bitch.  What else is new?  Here's a quick phyx.

How was everyone's holiday?  I had a wonderful Christmas. The boys are 3-years-old now, and they were oh so excited about Santa Claus coming down the chimney. I have been told that I believed in Santa until I was 15.  I think that's a lie, but Kath and Bill sheltered me a bit, so it could be true.  By sheltered I mean I had a "bed time" of 9:30 when I was a senior in high school.  Kath wouldn't let Meaghan and I eat mozzarella sticks until we were 16 because she was afraid we were going to choke on the cheese. "Small bites! You'll choke!"  she would yell.  I digress.  Back to Christmas.  I hope my nieces and nephews believe in Santa forever.  The bf gave me a Kindle.  For those of you who don't know, I am obsessed with reading and to have a gadget that allows me to read 24/7 is a dream come true.  I said to him, "Jonathan, now that I have this Kindle, I will be too busy to hang out with you."  He said, "Why do you think I got it?" Fresh. Anyway.  Book suggestions welcome.  For those curious, I gave the bf golf shoes. I had told CF of the shoes and she told me that it was a "great gift".  Well.  He liked the idea of the golf shoes, but not the actual style.  When CF asked me what he thought and I told her, she said, "Please tell him I thought they were a bad idea all along."

I don't know about any of you, but I am having a bit of an identity crisis.  Last night, I was on Facebook and saw a status about peeps Zodiac's signs changing.  I immediately called sista and said, "What Zodiac sign am I?"  Meaghan (took her time) and finally announced that I am now a Scorpio. I swore a little bit at the news.  I've been a Sagittarius for 27 plus years and I have always identified with my sign.  I think I am kind of funny - we're known for our sarcasm, and I rather enjoy my independence.  I read that Scorpio's are very emotional.  I have cried at "The Hills" before, but I don't think that counts.  It also said that Scorpio's make excellent doctors/surgeons.  I don't trust myself with a fork, never mind a scalpel. Though, I do like Grey's Anatomy. 

I am very excited for the weekend ahead.  I get to see my kids.  I miss them so much that I am at the point of stalking Meaghan's Facebook looking at pictures of them and tearing up a bit.  Last night I played three saved voicemails from the kids saying "Hi Titi.  I yuv you, Titi." This doesn't make me an emotional Scorpio, it just makes me a sap.  I also plan to have a nice long visit with Phyllis.  From what I hear she's in good spirits.  "Got any chocolate?" she asked Kath the other day.  I will have to bring her some.  I hope a good movie is on Lifetime.  We can fall asleep watching it together.  Kath also advised that Gram offered $50 for a shawl from her neighbor across the hall.  The neighbor wouldn't hear of it and said $30 is fine.  When Kath saw it she was not amused.  Apparently, it is a string of yarn that barely fits over her shoulders.  It doesn't sound like this shawl is ready to wear. 

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend. This is the most adorable video I have eva seen. Happy Friday, bitches.

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