My quadricep is doing much better. Thanks for asking. I am terrified to run on it though. I need to get over that fear. When my F and I walk, sometimes there are men in hoods that we pass and we very well may have to run for our vaginas. As Michelle said, "Do us a solid and take off your hood." I really need to get that mace.
I saw Phyllis last weekend. She wouldn't stop smiling and kept asking me for hugs. I think she was showing off for the bf. It was their first meeting. They hit it off. At one point he asked her if we looked alike. She said we resembled each other. He then said, "That's why I'm attracted to her." He's kind of fresh. Phyllis just smiled. We took her outside and she told me to warn her if there were any bees. She's allergic. I told her we were going to the Big E later that night. "Where's the big BEE!" she asked.
Gram told the bf that she and I had great times together. What can I say? I am a party girl. Then she said she really loved when I had a car. I do wish I had a car, but only to take Phyllis out of rehab. Side note: I have not driven in almost a year, except for a mini joyride in August, when Erin told me it was like I was driving with a learner's permit. (I just found out that I have to drive in a few weeks. I am so nervous. I have to drive from Seattle to Blaine, Washington. That is 200 miles round trip. Watch out, west coast drivers.) I digress. We sat outside for a bit until Gram got chilly. I think Gram kept her freshness in check since I brought my "friend" Jonathan. She kept remarking about an apple tree. If my "friend" wasn't with me she would have talked more shit. Next time.
After the visit with Gram, it was time for the bf to meet Bill Lang. That went over well. I knew it would. Dad just doesn't want me dating a Republican or someone who beats me. One for two. As any girl would be, I was nervous my family would tell embarrassing stories. They only told one. And, it's not even that embarrassing. When I was in first grade, those assholes made me go to school wearing a dress and sneakers. Because we were doing something "special" when school was out. I couldn't find my dress shoes and was so distraught that I was sent to school looking like such an ass. I remember my classmate Danny Ortiz asking me why I was sitting on my feet. When I told him it was because I didn't have my dress shoes on, he just smiled shyly and said I looked fine. So suave for a six-year-old. Anyway. The school called home and advised that I was crying in the principal's office talking about shoes. My mom called my brother and asked if he could bring me another pair. Principal White told me Robert was on his way. I was so pleased. Until he came to my classroom with these:

Thanks, Robert. I think I blocked the rest of the school day from my memory. I swore to myself that I would never let anyone go through that hell. I didn't really, but it would have been something if I had. Because, today, my coworker came into work with a dress and sneakers. She forgot her dress shoes. She told me she felt like such a "goober". I said, "You're in luck!" and opened my dresk drawer. I have five pairs of shoes at the office. I had the perfect pair of fun flip flops that matched her dress. I didn't want her sitting on her feet all day.
To end, I am not going to tell you that I am going to try and blog more. Things are just going to get crazier this month. One month exactly until a certain BZ's wedding. And some traveling coming up. The BZ told me I should get mace for my work trip in case anyone tries to steal me. Then she said, "I can't imagine you using it though, you would probably spray yourself in the face hahaha." She's right. Fingers crossed a pterodactyl doesn't hit my rental car. I don't think I could survive that again.
In honor of all this shoe talk, here's one of my fave youtube vids. I think I posted it before. "Let's get 'em."
Lata, bitches.
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