After driving 35 minutes in the wrong gear, I made it to the party without ruining the engine. Upon my arrival, three separate people asked if I was dating anyone. "Yet." I hate the word yet. When I told them all, "No." I was met with the question, "Why? I just don't understand." I wasn't really sure how to answer. What do I say? I am awkward. I am lazy when it comes to dating. I like my alone time. Who wants to date when you can be the 11th wheel at all events? I just shrugged at the time and each person separately shook their head. I can't tell if they think I am pathetic or I am just a disappointment. Too bad Saturday's events hadn't occurred prior to the inquisitions. I would have had an answer.

During our meal, I took more videos of Gram to be posted at a later date. We talked about birthdays, memories and my life in Boston. Gram also spoke in a French accent. Once we finished our sandwiches, I decided to clean Gram's refrigerator. I emptied the fridge and scrubbed every surface and shelf. Gram sat an inch behind me and snacked on grapes and oyster crackers while I worked. Every so often, she would remark, "It's gorgeous." An hour an a half later, I finished. Gram could not stop gushing about her beautiful fridge. I wiped up the floor then shut all of Gram's shades so she could get ready for bed. She asked when I was going back to Boston. I told her I was returning that night. "Does Mama know?" she asked. I don't know why she referred to Kathy Lang as "Mama." I told her that Mom did know. Gram requested that I call her when I made it home. I promised her I would. Kathy Lang also made me promise to call her that night. Even though she would be at her pitch club.
I left Gram's at 7:00 and made a few more stops along the way. I was finally on the road by 9:00. I arrived in Boston at 10:30. I called Gram to let her know I was home. Safe. "Oh, Honey Bunch, thank God you made it." she said. "I am so glad you got there." You would think I had been dodging gunfire. Not driving 80 miles on the Mass Pike. She asked what time it was. I told her 10:30. "You made great time!" Gram thinks I went by covered wagon. We said our goodbyes and I called my parents. My mom wasn't home. My dad was and we talked for a bit. (I forgot to ask his input on what song he would like to dance to at my wedding.) Then my mom came home. Around 11:00. She picked up the phone. Now, I was talking to both of my parents. Then it hit me. The next time a person asks why I am not dating (yet), I will say: "Because I spend my Saturday nights cleaning my grandmother's fridge and talking on a three way phone call with my parents." I will also add that my parents fake yawned and told me they had to go. After Kath and Bill hung up on me, I watched an episode of Medium and went to bed. Next Saturday, I think I am going to see "New Moon." At least I am not going with my parents.
My letter! On Gram's fridge. I put it there.
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